MillionairesFlix understands itself as a company, which follows the approach, that those characters who shape our cooperate company culture sustainably, are much more important than the increasement of profit under pressure.
Our Vision
Every individual should have the chance to bring wealth and freedom to his or her families. Therefore MillionairesFlix has created a system where everybody has the same opportunity. Cryptocurrency and Forex are only two vehicles to reach this goal.
Goals and wishes
- More quality time for family and friends
- Financial freedom
Many of our MillionairesFlix members do already live that lifestyle!
- Working from any place in the world
- Travelling the world
- Or simply achieve a second income
Offices Worldwide
Europe Headquarter in Salzburg / Austria
More offices in
Stuttgart and Johannesburg,
Hanoi and Manila
from the political scene and high potentials from the economy
sector are part of the MillionairesFlix advisory board
Mining Farm Power > 175PH
The way into the
Crypto World.
- Planning and structuring in November 2017
- Operational start has been in May 2018
- May - December 2018 creating the infrastructure of MillionairesFlix
- World wide expansion 2019